:W - Welcome message --={ Welcome to Rio Grande ROS-Net #49 }=-- Sysop: Jon E. Schneider Phone: (915) 592-4976 Baud rates: 300, 1200 212a, 2400 V.22, 9600 HST (set at log-on) Hardware: CPU AT Clone (8 mhz), USR Courier 9600 HST, 2 Tulin TL360 winchester disks with RLL (100 MB) Software: TPBoard 1.0b Hours: 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week, unless in use by sysop. (Try anytime, phone won't answer if in use.) Access: Free. Must request validation to obtain full access. Interests: MS-DOS, Z-System, CP/M-80, and TRSDOS Operating systems. Authorized download point for Echelon software. Leave a message to the Sysop for further details. Online: March 22, 1985 :B - printed for all users after login Rio Grande ROS-Net Bulletins [11/28/87] Cost tracking has been added to TP-Board, so any validated user can now leave FIDO-NET messages to any local node. If the Node is not local, then a credit must be obtained before a message can be left. The EchoMail areas do not require any credits, and are free to all validated users. [11/22/87] I have finally received my FidoNet node number (1:19/18), so the -TANDY EchoMail conference is now functioning fully. I will be adding some new conferences in the next several weeks, so check the available message areas periodically. Press... "?" for menus and help CTRL-S to pause listings Keys within "<>" for commands CTRL-C to cancel listings The number at the first of each system prompt is your access time remaining. :S - printed for unvalidated users trying to send (download) a file Sorry, but Unvalidated Users are not allowed to send (download) files. Please try again when you see that you have been validated by the Sysop. :A - printed when name not found If you are an old user, you may answer "N" to the following question to try again. If you desire full privilages on this system, you will need to request validation. To become validated, just leave me a message saying that you want to become a validated user. If you started your login process with a "handle", please answer "N" and login again with your real name. "Handles" are not allowed on this system. :D - printed for unvalidated users Since you are not a validated user, you can only leave messages to the sysop. If you request validation, I will attempt to upgrade your status within 24 hours. :H - printed for fido-net message entry when not allowed Sorry, but you are not authorized send non-local mail through Fido-Net. To obtain authorization, you must first obtain credit of at least $5.00. After receipt of your payment, you will be allowed to enter messages until you deplete your account. :I - printed to new users and on "I" request This board's database (100 meg) is for those running MS-DOS, CP/M, or TRSDOS. It supports file transfers using the XMODEM, YMODEM, IMODEM and ZMODEM protocols. If your terminal program supports ZMODEM, I suggest using it. It is the fastest and most robust file transfer protocol available. The operator of this system assumes no responsibility for the information contained in and/or distributed via this board. This is an open-access communications system and is provided as a public service to the community. All messages and files which are placed on this board are the responsibility of the contributor. Only public domain software and messages relating to public access systems and computer hobbyists are allowed to remain on-line. All messages addressed as public can be read by anyone, and any message left as private can be read by the sender, the receiver, and the SysOp. If you do not like these policies, then DO NOT leave any messages. :P - printed for forgetful users Since you have exceeded the number of attempts allowed to enter your password correctly, you will be given the opportunity to leave a message and then the system will disconnect. :M - Message system menu TPBoard - Message System Menu ---------------={ Functions }=----------------- ---={ Other Menus }=--- rticles to read ulletin ile transfer System hange message area nter a message tilities System nfo for new users ther systems list uick-scan messages ead messages can messages oodbye (logoff) elcome message :F - File transfer system menu TPBoard - File Transfer System Menu ------------------={ Functions }=----------------- -={ Other Menus }=- hange file area ibrary entry/exit essage System irectory of files ewin list tilities System ind File(s) Filesize/Time oodbye (logoff) rc entry/exit eceive (upload) a file (you --> TPBoard) end (download) a file (TPBoard --> you) ype a file (or a LBR or ARC member file) :Z - sysop entended files commands ame, visible/invisible, ete, :U - Utility system menu TPBoard - Utility System Menu ----------------={ Functions }=---------------- --={ Other Menus }=-- lter user parameters ime and date ile Transfer System hat with sysop ser list essage System ystem use statistics our statistics Graphics On/Off

rotocol Default oodbye (logoff) :C - Change user parameter help Alter User Parameter Menu ell after prompt on/off ines per page

assword change haracters per line ulls sent after C/R hift lock <#>Phone number uit All parameters will be retained from one call to the next. :X - sysop function menu TPBoard - Sysop System Menu ----------------={ Functions }=------------------ --={ Other Menus }=-- udit trail toggle Macro operations ile Transfer System hange system parameters

urge files essage System elete user ead Messages tilities System dit user ystem directory ndex rebuild oggle printer og file list alidate user ewin file processing Shell to DOS oodbye (logoff) uild Message from disk file :E - Message entry help ={ Message Entry Commands }= ------------={ Editing controls }=------------ ontinue message entry Backspace Delete previous character elete line RUB (DEL) Delete previous character dit a selected line TAB Space to next multiple of 5 column nsert line RETURN Complete line entry ist current message CTRL-X Delete line to left of cursor ave message to disk CTRL-A Move cursor to beginning of line uit message entry CTRL-S Move cursor one character left (does NOT save message) CTRL-D Move cursor one character right CTRL-F Update line and move cursor to end CTRL-G Delete character at cursor position For speed, the edit line is not visibly updated until requested by CTRL-F. :G - SYSTEM DIR heading Rio Grande ROS-Net #49 (915) 592-4976